
Photo Retouch: Photos to be used

Simplified Instructions:

– Open the document, cut the file to show only the left/original model face.

  1. Color Corrections – subtle skin retouching methods uses yellow channel
    – change the photo mode to CMYK.
    – turn on Channel, select the Yellow channel, select all and copy it by hitting control/cmd+A, cmd+c
    – change back to RGB mode and paste the newly copied content as a layer, rename it Flaws, change the blending mode to soft light. It maybe too strong, so lower the opacity to where it fits.
    – still on the new layer, add an inverted layer mask by holding alt/opt key while clicking the layer mask icon, make sure the foreground color is white and then use the brush on the mask to fine tune the skin
  2. clone out wrinkles and blemishes
    – duplicate the bottom/original photo layer, rename to wrinkles and blemishes
    – Use Spot Healing Brush Tool and paint over the wrinkles
    – adjust opacity to bring back some wrinkles
    – add a layer mask to this layer
    – fill the mask with gray shift+backspace to bring out the filter tool, 50% gray
    – select the paint tool to paint on the mask
  3. Airbrush skin
    – Put all layers into one group, duplicate this group, and turn the visibility of the original group to be off.
    – Merge the new group, rename the layer to be Smoothness
    – Go to filter > blur > Surface blur, threshold 255, adjust the radius so you can barely make out the face, then reduce the threshold just to where you can make the details, the skin should still be glory
    – Select the original layer and duplicate it, move the new layer to the top and rename the top one details. Work on the Opacity and/or Blending Mode.
    – On the top layer, Go to Filter > Other > High Pass, adjust the values until you can see the skin details, layer blend to Hard light
    – Select both layers, group them, rename as Airbrushing
    – Add an Inverted layer mask by holding alt/opt key while clicking the layer mask icon, make sure the foreground color is white and then use the brush on the mask to fine tune the skin
    – Use a soft round brush with opacity of 50% to paint the skin, adjust accordingly
  4. Reduce Skin Discoloration (Optional)
    – on the top layer, use eye dropper tool, sample all layers, go to the bottom layer, click somewhere on the skin to sample the color you want to colorize the skin towards.
    – collapse the air brush group, then add a new solid color adjustment from your layer’s panel, Solid color pink, click ok, – then change your blending mode to color, then on the mask, Ctrl/cmd + I to convert it, then use brush to paint over, opacity to adjust, rename the layer Skin Color
  5. Dodging and Burning – more dramatic look (Optional)
    – From Step 3, create a new layer and name it Dodging and Burning, blending mode to Soft Light
    – on this new layer, Edit > Fill, 50% Gray
    – Use Burn Tool, Option bar set Tone to Midtone, darken the area. This tool can be used to emphasize bones and muscles, make eyes more luminance, lips fuller, and much more without warping the face.
    – lignten an area with the Dodging tool, make sure it’s Midtown
    – adjust Brightness and Contrast



Computer Imaging Basics additional tutorials:

Illustrator 01: http://veerle.duoh.com/design/article/illustrator_pen_tool_exercises

Illustrator 02: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiHAh56apJY

Photoshop: http://www.iceflowstudios.com/2012/tutorials/graffiti-text-effect-in-photoshop/


For Projects:

How to scan an image: link

How to trace an image from your scanned image in Illustrator: link

Draw in Illustrator: link


For Art Direction & Design I & III


Please pick two tutorials to work on Fridays. Upon completion, please save your files as JPGs and post them to your own web space/site. Weekly critiques are held very Monday.

By the end of the semester, you should have finished 30 tutorials ready for grading.



Typography (Level I must complete all; Level III pick 5)
Typography in Illustrator CC CS6

Illustrator CC CS6 Tutorial – Offsetting Text

Grunge Typography


Portrait Poster

Typographic Design in Illustrator

Vintage Typography

Logo in Illustrator

Typography with Blend tool

3D Letters

Music Equalizer Text Effect

Elegant Headers



Photography (Level I pick 3; Level III pick 6)
Photoshop Quick Tip: Creating Depth of Field Using the Lens Blur Filter

Tilt Shift Photoshop Tutorial: How to Make Fake Miniature Scenes

Urban Photo Effect

Creating Film Edge Burns

Quick and Simple Worn Out Psychedelic Poster in Photoshop

Photoshop CS6 Presets: Photographic Toning Retouch Method


Digital Painting (Level I pick 1; Level III pick 2)

Beginner in Photoshop

Digital Painting in Photoshop


INTERMEDIATE (Level III must take ALL)

Visual Effects (Level I take 3)
Graffiti Letters Tutorial – Adobe Illustrator CS6

Create a Painted Portrait Effect in Illustrator Using the Bristle Brush

How to Make a Self Portrait in Adobe Illustrator CS6

Double Exposure Style in Photoshop


Typography (Level I take ALL)

Make a typographic poster

Vintage Typography

Typography Face

Script Lettering

Typographic Illustration

Typographic Poster

Add Texture to Type

Photoshop shatter effect

ABC logo design

Broken Plate

Leafy Effect


ADVANCED (to be decided)

Photoshop & Illustrator typographic poster







For Art Direction & Design II & IV

A Typographic Poster link (Level II)

Vintage Typography link (Level II)

Wet Ink Effect link (Level II)

Photorealistic Effect link (Level II)

Ornament Typography link (Level II & IV)

Typographic Depth link (Level IV)

Grass Effect link (Level IV)

Folded Effect link (Level IV)

Typography Effect in PS link (Level IV)




Adobe Photoshop CS5 Tutorials

Open & Save: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rfsj-4RW4mw

Beginner Part I: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZlXagXwcn4

Beginner Part II: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crEWnilUIHk

Beginner Part III: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qM9Cj1fjUhc

Beginner Part IV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSYud_0zvSQ

Image Size: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44mV3NsLmXw

The Layers Palette: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnNxCs6p58c 


Selection Tools: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCJjEA4WrOc 

Quick Selection Tools: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCJjEA4WrOc

Refine Edges & Quick Selection Tools: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jI-9Mr7cLBY

Advanced Hair Selection: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvBAvZyqPmU

Layer Mask & Quick Selection Tools: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vH0Jm9lcoX4 


Color Management for Photographers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHrXgdURkr8

PS Color Management: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0A1rDNkgMF8



Photoshop System Tutorials (beginner)





Adobe Illustrator CS5 Tutorials

Introduction to Adobe Illustrator, video tutorial

Prepare Illustrator files for print: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAT9R-YQxTs

Selection tool:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6LvIhJD4OU&src_vid=PjIcmRSq6zs&feature=iv&annotation_id=annotation_216388

Layers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjIcmRSq6zs&src_vid=fcXCJJkHjeo&feature=iv&annotation_id=annotation_104228

Typography: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REaT4zGT9bo


Pen Tool:




Draw a hellokitty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6edJrBldolA

Draw a frog plus introduction to Illustrator: video tutorial (long)






Compound Path & Clipping Mask: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hVz9CabOMg

Color: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Btr_o_vgFJw

Brushes for Drawing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcXCJJkHjeo

Draw & Color: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0hjVBgy4r4


Live Trace: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1_-dFZvRlA

Live Paint: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klHLyndnXJ8


Create 3D logo in Illustrator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FJ8nEVHFLs



Illustrator System Tutorial (beginning)



Adobe InDesign

Beginning InDesign: http://design.tutsplus.com/series/beginners-guides-to-indesign–vector-4951

Choose Magazine Sizes: http://www.lynda.com/Bridge-tutorials/Choosing-magazine-size/46818/51556-4.html


Design a Multi-Page Mag Feature

Art editor Jo Gulliver shares her pro tips for the layout out of complex feature magazine sections in InDesign. Learn the process of how to layout a magazine from grid construction, to image placement, creating captions, and more. The key process of designing a magazine feature in InDesign are covered in this editorial layout tutorial.- good birds-eye view of the workflow.

Create a Newsprint Magazine

Learn how Studio Newwork creates a magazine that is printed on Newsprint. They have a love for laying out sections by hand and have learned to appreciate the beauty of this tactile black-and-white medium. They offer tips on how important a flexible grid system is when working across such a large magazine spread. Discover how to design a large format magazine by example, as well as distribution tips as well.


Cover Design

1. Magazine Cover Design in InDesign

Master Adobe Certified designer Terry White shows how to create a cover design in InDesign. Learn basic magazine layout and design techniques that will make your cover stand out, while learning a professional workflow. Making a magazine cover in InDesign requires a good understanding of design fundamentals and the toolset this app has to offer.

2. How to Create a Music Magazine Cover in InDesign

You’ll learn how to set up a page layout and add text. This is an introduction to InDesign and no previous knowledge is required to create this magazine cover layout.



  1. Use Color-Logic Plug-ins to Create a Metallic Magazine Cover – Part I
  2. Use Color-Logic Plug-ins to Create a Metallic Magazine Cover – Part II

In this two-part Tuts+ Premium tutorial, author Mark Mayers will show you how to create a magazine cover with maximum shelf appeal. In addition to learning how to create an astonishingly beautiful cover image, he also demonstrates the power of Color-Logic, which enables you to add hundreds of metallic colors and special print finishes into your artwork.


Table of Contents

Design a Simple Index with InDesign

In this tutorial, David Donaghy shows you how to create an index in InDesign. Learn the basics of how to create many types of indexes, which add authority and usability to your magazine designs. This tutorial requires InDesign CS4+. You’ll also learn typesetting using InDesign’s style sheets as well. Get some great index ideas for your magazine layout and designs.


Inside Pages

Magazine Design with InDesign Part 1 of 3

Learn the basics of magazine layout and design in this three part tutorial. Laying out a magazine in InDesign presents challenges that student need to master. This magazine design tutorial covers a complete process and will get beginners over their first hurdles with magazine publication design. By creating this four page magazine spread you’ll master the basic design techniques and main tools you’ll need to use in InDesign. Get started with Part 1 following the link below. Continue with this series in Part 2 and Part 3 on the Layers Magazine site.

How to Create a Professional Magazine Layout

(You will learn techniques to help you set and arrange a magazine layout. You’ll learn how to create a well balanced page, use good typography layout, white space, while taking advantage of the grid.)


Work with Type in InDesign

Learn professional tips on how to layout a magazine in InDesign. Jo Gulliver shows you some of the most valuable typographic tools in InDesign. which make working with type easier. This tutorial focuses mainly on the Character Formatting control panel. You’ll learn to insert ligatures, highlight text, and control copy flow. Improve your magazine layout design work and control of type in InDesign with these pointers.


Master PDF Exports

Adobe instructor Tony Harmer shows you how use CS4 to create PDFs for every occasion. While the creation of fully digital magazines that can be viewed with dynamic options, as an app, in digital devices is on the rise, PDF’s are still a reliable way to distribute digital magazines. They have wide support on CPU’s and digital devices. Learn best practices for preparing your magazine layout design files in InDesign and Adobe Acrobat.



Additional Readings

Basic OS X Housekeeping [link]

Exercise 01: Illustrator Chapter two Skills Review (chapter 02 ebook file, page 2-34 and 2-35, file AI 2-3.ai), download from here.

Exercise 02: Illustrator Chapter three skills review (chapter 03 ebook file, page 3-54 and 3-55, file AI 3-9.ai), download from here.

Exercise 03: Illustrator Chapter four skills review (chapter 04 ebook file, page 4-46 and 4-47, file AI 4-18.ai, AI 4-19.ai, AI 4-20.ai, AI 4-21.ai), download from here.

Exercise 04: Illustrator Chapter five skills review (chapter 05 ebook file, page 5-30 and 5-31, file AI 5-3.ai), download from here.

Exercise 05: Photoshop Chapter two skills review (chapter 02 ebook file, page 2-29 and 2-30, file PS 2-5.psd).

Exercise 06: Photoshop Chapter three skills review (chapter 03 ebook file, page 3-23 and 3-24, file PS 3-3.psd, PS 3-4.psd).

Exercise 07: Photoshop Chapter four skills review (chapter 04 ebook filepage 4-25, file PS 4-7.psd, PS 4-8.tif, PS 4-9.tif, PS 4-10.tif ).

Exercise 08: Photoshop Chapter Five skills review (chapter 05 ebook filepage 5-35 and 5-36, file PS 5-4.psd, PS 5-5.psd, PS5-6.tif).

Exercise 09: Photoshop Chapter Six skills review (chapter 06 ebook file, page 6-31, file PS 6-2.psd).


Tutorial 01: Using the Magic Wand (video)

Tutorial 02: A Comprehensive Guide: Illustrator’s Paintbrush Tool and Brush Panel

Tutorial 03: How to Use Scribble Effects in Illustrator

Tutorial 04: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Creating Seamless Patterns in Illustrator

Tutorial 05: Photoshop’s Toolbox , Pixels, Image Size Resolution

Tutorial 06: Working with Layers in Photoshop

Tutorial 07: A Comprehensive Introduction to the Type Tool

Tutorial 08: The Selection Tools

Tutorial 09: Using Transform in Photoshop

Tutorial 10: An Explanation of Photoshop Blend Modes

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